16 countries confirmed for Junior Eurovision 2017

A total number of 16 countries has been announced to take part in Junior Eurovision 2017. Bulgaria and Israel whithdrew from these year’s contest and Portugal is the only country that returned (last appearence in 2007).
The 16 countries that will participate in JESC 2017 are:
- Albania
- Armenia
- Australia
- Belarus
- Cyprus
- Georgia
- Ireland
- Italy
- Malta
- Poland
- Portugal
- Russia
- Serbia
- The Netherlands
- Ukraine
In JESC 2018 there will be some changes in the point system of the contest. The televoters who want to vote throught the Eurovision platform will be able to start voting 48 hours prior the Show. From Friday 24 of November until Sunday 26 of November at 15:59 CET (just before the beggining of the live show) the audience will be able to cast there votes electonically. After that, the 16 countries will perform live and the vote system will operate agian for 15 minutes. The winner of JESC 2017 will be selected by the audience (50%) and the National Juries (50%).
Other changes of 2017 has to do with the lyrics of the songs. Countries which don’t have English as there National language may use English lyrics in there songs, not more than 40% of the lyrics. Also the back vocals have been increased form 5 to 6 singers.
3 counties have already chosen there participants: Armenia will be represented by Misha, Malta by Gianluca Cilia and Russia by Polina Bogusevich.
Georgia will host JESC 2018 in Tbilisi after the country’s victory in Malta in 2016. The show will be held at the Olympic Palace arena on Sunday the 26th of November 2017 at 16:00 CET.