2nd Rehearsal: Australia, Slovenia, Bulgaria

2nd Rehearsal: Australia, Slovenia, Bulgaria

And after the crash boom bang entry from Lithuania it was the turn for a classy lady to appear and that was Dami Im from Australia. Dami starts of reposed on her big blue box, wearing the same expensive dress, from last rehearsal, and indeed the one she will wear in the semi final._AP66733Two blue spotlights shine down on her while a whole streak of blue lights shine up at the ceiling.The holograms are still there and they represent the lack of connection with loved ones who have busy lives. Dami is helped down from the box by two stage hands and walks forward on the stage while light blue lights pulsate. She performs the last chorus as close to the edge of the stage as she can get.



TH000021And after Dam im we saw ManuElla returns with her body popping white dress and has to stop due to technical issues after half a minute. After the problem is solved we saw ManuElla Walking towards the front of the stage and made several poses towards the camera. And here comes the acrobat but no sign of the backup singers…..

The flooring is yet again blue, and totally ignoring the song’s title, not a sign of any red. After the acrobat has had a good swing, there are purple flashlights in the background. The showering gold pyrotechnics surround the stage on the third rehearsal.


poliPoli is now back on stage for Bulgaria. We can see some policemen on the video wall and Poli is dancing with her LED costume. Green and light blue lights are flashing all the time. Poli is alone on stage but the stage seems very small for her. In the end of the song the dress is lightened up and the 5 back vocalists join the singer in the center of the stage for the finale of the performance.




Chrysostomos Kontakiotis

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