Albania: Reanimating changes for the 57th edition of Festivali i këngës

The Albanian national broadcaster RTSH is totally on steam, as the preperations for the 57th edition of Festivali i këngës, are underway and the date for the national final is approaching.
Festivali i këngës is the Eurovision national selection format the country has been using sing 2004 to select its Eurovision entries. The names of this year’s contestants’ alongside with the titles of their entries have been revealed since October 18 .
Artistic director Inva Mula has planned to move to a different direction this year, as the songs will be listened for the first time only during the dates of Festivali i këngës (20-22 December) and not prior the national final as in previous editions.
In addition during the first night of the festival all songs will be performed alongside the RTSH Symphonic Orchestra, while the second night the music will be recorded and the staging pretty much as we are going to see it Eurovision. Reaching the third night of the show a special panel of professionals will determine the country’s next Eurovision entry.
Inva Mula wanting to clarify on these chages stated:
My goal in my opinion is to restore the freshness, enthusiasm of the Song Festival on Radio Television to a public who, perhaps for many reasons, is disconnected, we want him to look back and have the desire to follow the Festival and perhaps to murmur his most beautiful songs. For this reason, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education will be established a group with the best students of the 15 high schools of Tirana, who will follow closely and that will evaluate the best song.
Additionally, during the press conference we got to know the rest of this year’s Festivali i këngës creative team:
- Director of the Festival – Martin Leka
- Artistic Director – Inva Mula
- Musical Producer – Sokol Marsi
- Screenwriter – Pandi Laço
- Director – Bledar Laço
The Eurovision Story so far
In 2004 Albania debuted in the contest with Anjeza Shahini with the entry “The Image of You”, which came 7th . The country hasn’t scored a victory yet in its 15 participations up to date. Its best result was achieved in 2012 with Rona Nishliu and her 5th placing in Baku with her song “Suus”