Albania: RTSH reveals dates and competing acts of Festivali i Kenges 2018

The Albanian national broadcaster RTSH revealed this evening the acts and dates of the the 57th Festivali i Kenges, the country’s national selection format of determining its Eurovsion acts.
RTSH announced that the country will determine its Eurovision 2019 act on December 22. Festivali i Kenges will unfold in a three day program which will include to semi final shows with 11 acts each one. The two semi final rounds will be held on 20 and 21 December respectively.
A total of 54 songs were submitted in this year’s comeptition but only 22 acts will make it to the live shows. These acts and their title songs are:
- Aurel Thellimi – Te dua ty
- Bojken Lako – Jeto jeten
- Bruno Pollogati – Nuk ka stop
- Dilan Reka – Karma
- Eliza Hoxha – Pengu
- Elona Islamaj – Ne kete bote kalimtare
- Elton Deda – Qetesisht
- Eranda Libohova – 100 pyetje
- Gjergj Leka – Besoj
- Alar Band – Dashuria nuk mjafton
- Jonida Maliqi – Ktheju tokes
- Kelly – A me ndjen
- Klint Collaku – Me jete
- Klodiana Vata – Mbremje e pafund
- Kujtim Prodani – Babela
- Lidia Lufi – Rrefehem
- Lorela Sejdini – Vetmi
- Marko Strazimiri & Imbro – Leyla
- Mirud – Nene
- Orgesa Zaimi – Hije
- Soni Malaj – Do vij
- Vikena Kamenica – Naten e mire
Among the 22 finalists we meet past participants of the festival such as Dilan Reka, Elton Deda and Orgesa Zaimi. The full version of the songs will be released on a future date.
The Eurovision Story so far
In 2004 Albania debuted in the contest with Anjeza Shahini with the entry “The Image of You”, which came 7th . The country hasn’t scored a victory yet in its 15 participations up to date. Its best result was achieved in 2012 with Rona Nishliu and her 5th placing in Baku with her song “Suus”