Australia: SBS to broadcast alternative show “Eurovision 2020: Big Night In!”

The Australian national broadcaster, SBS , has announced a week-long festival of Eurovision from 10-17 May, culminating in a brand new alternative Eurovision 2020 with SBS’s Eurovision 2020: Big Night In!
After the EBU canceled this year’s Eurovision on March 18, which would have taken place in Rotterdam on May 12, 14 and 16, several radio broadcasters have decided to broadcast alternative Eurovision programs – in addition to the non-competition show Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light on May 16 .
The Aussies are ready to celebrate the 2020 artists and songs with Eurovision 2020: Big Night In! premiering Saturday 16 May at 7.30pm. SBS is inviting fans to vote for their favourite three 2020 acts from all competing nations and watch as we countdown the results over three big hours. Voting is open now until Sunday 3 May.
The special new show will be hosted by Eurovision comentators Myf Warhurst and comedian Joel Creasey, the it will feature special guest appearances from big names across the globe and an exclusive studio performance from the country’s Eurovision 2020 representative Montaigne, giving audiences the first look at the performance she would have unveiled in Rotterdam next month.
In addtion, the show will interact with audience watching from home, as viewers can join the conversation and have the chance to see their tweets and lounge room party pics on screen during Eurovision 2020: Big Night In! by using #Eurovision #BigNightIn.
Josh Martin, SBS Commissioning Editor and Australian Head of Delegation says:
Sixty-four years ago, Eurovision was born as an idea to help unite people after a period of turmoil and instability. In 2020, SBS is incredibly proud to fill the gap left from the cancellation of this year’s contest in Rotterdam, with a network event that champions the very same goal.
And goes on saying:
Music really is the great unifier and a perfect antidote for a nation in isolation. We’ve already seen this through the thousands of apartment block singalongs and virtual choirs and, in this spirit, we promise this will be a fun, exciting and inclusive party that everyone is invited to! So get your costumes planned, and your twitter fingers ready as we countdown Australia’s Eurovision 2020 votes.
Joel Creasey , one of two hosts says excited:
Myf and I are absolutely over the moon to be able to celebrate Eurovision with Australia as we countdown to your favourite 2020 artists and songs. Thank you SBS for putting together a whole week of festivities to keep us entertained while we’re spending more time at home. I thought I was going to have to play Sound of Silence on repeat. Join us and a bunch of big names from around the world with nothing else to do. Eurovision 2020: Big Night In! is going to be bigger than a big night out, but won’t break the bank, and you’ll still feel good about your decision the next day.
While co-host Myf Warhurst states:
We can’t wait to see who your favourite acts are, Australia. Will it be one of the bookies’ favourites: Daði & Gagnamagnið from Iceland, VICTORIA from Bulgaria or The Roop from Lithuania? Or will our love of kitsch see Russia’s Little Big take the virtual crown? Let’s come together and celebrate our passion for music and make this an unforgettable moment in Eurovision history!”
Eurovision Week with addtional shows
On Sunday 10 May, SBS VICELAND will kick off Eurovision week with a Road to Eurovision special filmed live in The Netherlands. The two-hour program featured this year’s hosts of Eurovision celebrating the 64-year history of the event with 22 past Eurovision winners and performers coming back together to perform their biggest hits including Sergey Lazarev, Dana International, Netta and Johnny Logan.
From Monday to Friday, SBS will celebrate Australia’s history in Eurovision by replaying all the Eurovision Song Contest Grand Finals 2015-2019 , the the year’s the land Down Under has been competing in the contest.
The Final show
SBS will be airing on Sunday 17 May at 8.30pm the special two-hour program Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light hosted by Dutch Eurovision presenters Chantal Janzen, Edsilia Rombley and Jan Smit, to honour all 41 songs in a non-competitive format and provide plenty of surprises for fans at home.
This is how the Australian Eurovision week will unfold on SBS and SBS VICELAND :
Sunday 10 May | 8.30pm-10.30pm | Road to Eurovision 2020 on SBS VICELAND |
Monday 11 May | 1.30pm – 5.30pm | Eurovision Song Contest 2015 on SBS |
Tuesday 12 May | 1.30pm – 5.30pm | Eurovision Song Contest 2016 on SBS |
Wednesday 13 May | 1.30pm – 5.30pm | Eurovision Song Contest 2017 on SBS |
Thursday 14 May | 1.30pm – 5.30pm | Eurovision Song Contest 2018 on SBS |
Friday 15 May | 1.15pm – 5.30pm | Eurovision Song Contest 2019 on SBS |
Saturday 16 May | 7.30pm – 10.30pm | Eurovision 2020: Big Night In! |
Saturday 16 May | 10.30pm – 12.30am | Eurovision Top 40 Controversies on SBS |
Saturday 16 May | 12.30am – 1.30am | Secrets of Eurovision on SBS |
Sunday 17 May | 8.30pm – 1030pm | Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light |
Photo Cover: SBS