Czech Republic: Present in Eurovision 2019; Submission of songs begins

The Czech Republic joins the party in Israel as its broadcaster confirms Eurovision 2019 participation .
The landlocked country of Central Europe declares present for another year, especially after its remarkable results in this year’s contest in Lisbon. The National broadcaster, CT, will keep the same successful recipe in the national selection process for the year to come.
Česká televize (CT), is definitely not losing time and has already opened the window for song submissions. Artists and composers that wish to represent the country in the Eurovision song Contest can submit their songs to the broadcaster through the following e mail address: until 31 Οctober 2018.
The main leading singer must have the Czech nationality while there are no further restrictions on the type of song or its language.
The story so far in Eurovision
Czech Republic appeared for the first time in the Contest in 2007 with Kabat. A a row of disappointing results the country withdrew in 2010 and didn’t return until 2016. In 2016 its returned was followed by a gran final qualification for the first time . The best result came for the country in this year’s edition of the contest with Mikolas Josef who achieved a 6th placing in the Lisbon with his song και Lie to me.
Lets remember Mikolas’ successful performance that gave to his country its best placing: