Estonia: 216 entries for Eesti Laul 2019; Semi finals to be held in Tartu

The Estonian national selection , Eesti Laul 2019, is in progess and the interest is big as the boradcaster has received more than 216 submissions.
The supervisor of the national selection of Eesti Laul 2019 , Tomi Rahula, revealed today that the broadcaster received a total number of 216 entries for the Estonian national selection. The total number is just smaller than last year’s when the Estonian broadcaster had reveived 258 entries. It seems that this year’s participation fee discouraged some artists to submit this year application.
However, the Tomi Rahula stated satified from the final number considering that the first days only 24 songs had came in for the national selection. The majority of entries came in in the last quater of the submission period. From these songs half of them are in Estonian while the other half in foreign languages such as english, russian and spanish. The 24 acts that will eventually compete in the semi finals will be revealed on November 15.
Additionally, the city of Tartu will host the two semi final shows, which take place for the first time outside Tallin. As already announced the confirmed dates of the national selection shows are:
1st semi final: 31 Ιανουαρίου
2nd semi final: 2 Φεβρουαρίου
Final: 16 Φεβρουαρίου
This year Eesi Laul 2018 winner, Elina Nichayeva represented the country with her entry La Forza which finish 8th in the Grand final.