Eurovision 2018: Tonight 9 National Selection shows across Europe

Another super Saturday night with nine more national selection shows taking place across Europe: one Final (Montenegro), seven semi finals (Sweden, Latvia, Hungary, Ukraine, Estonia, Iceland, Slovenia) and one qualifying round (Lithuania). Read more details on today’s shows :
Montenegro – Final
Tonight at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica, the national final of Montenegro, Montevizija 2018, will take place to determine the country’s ESC 2018 representative. Montenegro the last nine years has chosen its representative through internal selections. Only in 2007 and 2008 was a national final held.
This year the national broadcaster RTCG, received a total of 31 applications for Montevizija. A special jury cut down the list to 5 acts that will eventually compete in tonight’s final:
- Nina Petković – Dišem
- Vanja Radovanović – Inje
- Ivana Popović Martinović – Poljupci
- Katarina Bogićević – Neželjena
- Lorena Janković – Dušu mi daj
Watch below the recap of all the final’s entries:
The winner will be determined exclusively by the public voting.
The final wll start at 20:00 CET and you can watch it HERE
Sweden – 3rd semi final
Another round of the Melodifestivalen unfolds tonight with the 3rd semi final taking place. This semi final round will be held in the city Malmo and host of the show will be David Lindgren (past participant of Melodifestivalen 2012, 2013 and 2016). In tonight’s semi final we will watch another set of 7 acts compete for two spots in the final and 2 more in the 2nd chance semi final round.
- Martin Almgren – A Bitter Lullaby
- Barbi Escobar – Stark
- Moncho – Cuba Libre
- Jessica Andersson – Party Voice
- Kalle Moraeus & Orsa Spelmän – Min dröm
- Dotter – Cry
- Méndez – Everyday
Watch the recap of the 7 contestants:
Among the contestants we meet again the Swedish ESC 2003 represetative, as member of the group Fame, Jessica Andersson, who has participated in Melodifestivalen 5 times in the past (2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2015). Other notable acts are, Méndez (Melodifestivalen 2002, 2003), the group Kalle Moraeus & Orsa spelmän (Melodifestivalen 2010) and Dotter , one of the composers of Mariette ‘s entry A million years in Melodifestivalen 2017.
The voting includes two rounds in which only the public will vote. The first 5 who receive the most votes qualify to a second round of voting . After the 2nd round the first two acts will qualify directly to the final, while the 3rd and 4th qualify to the second chance semi final.
You can watch the 3rd semi final of Melodifestivalen at 20:00 CET on SVT’s official Melodifestivalen site
Latvia – 3rd semi final
Latvia’s national selection, Supernova, moves on tonight to the 2nd semi final round. This year’s Supernova consists of 3 semi final rounds and one grand final that will take place on February 24. Hosts of the first semi-final, which will be aired live from Riga, will be the actress and show presenter Dagmara Legante and the country’s ESC 2016 representative Justs Sirmais.
The last set of 7 acts (out of a total of 21 Supernova contestants) will compete tonight:
- Jenny May – Soledad
- Ed Rallidae – What I Had with You
- Katrine Lukins – Running Red Lights
- Lauris Valters – Lovers Bliss
- MIONIA – You
- Kris & Oz – Morning Flight
- Laura Rizzotto – Funny Girl
From these 7 acts, only 2 will qualify to the final. The results will be determined by a 50-50% of public and jury voting.
The 3rd Supernova semi final will start at 20:25 CET and can be watched on Supernova’s official site
Hungary – 2nd semi final
Hungary’s Eurovision 2018 national selection, A Dal 2018, continues today with the 2nd semi final round taking place. A Dal this year consists of 3 qualifying rounds , 2 semi finals and one grand final that will be held on February 24. Hosts of tonight’s show will be, as in the previous qualifying shows, Kriszta Rátonyi and Freddie (Hungary ESC 2016).
In the previous 3 qualifying rounds we saw a total of 30 acts compete for 18 semi final spots. Half of these 18 acts competed in last Saturday’s semi final, while the 2nd set of 9 acts will compete in tonight’s 3rd semi final. The 9 contestants that will compete tonight are:
- AWS – Viszlát nyár
- Ceasefire X – Satellites
- Cintia Horváth & Tomi Balogh – Journey (Break Your Chains)
- Tamás Horváth – Meggyfa
- Viktor Király – Budapest Girl
- Odett – Aranyhal
- Nikoletta Szőke, Attila Kökény and Róbert Szakcsi Lakatos – Életre kel
- Tamás Vastag – Ne hagyj reményt
- yesyes – I Let You Run Away
Out of these 9 acts, only 4 will qualify to the grand final.T he 4 qualifying acts will be decided after two rounds of voting. In the first phase a four member jury, formed by Judit Schell (actor), Misi Mező (head vocalist and guitarist of the Hungarian group Magna Cum Laudethe, Károly Frenreisz (singer and composer) and Miklós Both (composer- performer- guitarist), will rate each song after its performance alongside with the audience, which will vote being the 5th member of the jury. From this phase the best 3 acts will qualify to the final. In the next second phase the audience only, will vote the one act that favors more from the group of 6 acts left behind. The song that wins the public’s votes will follow the first 3 qualifiers to the final.
The 2nd A Dal 2018 semi final show will start at 20:30 C.E.T and you can watch it HERE.
Ukraine – 2nd semi final
The Ukrainian national selection continues today with the second semi final of Vidbir 2018, that will be aired live from Kiev. Vidbir 2018 includes two semi final rounds and one final that will take place on February 24 .
A total of 18 acts compete in the entire national selection . Last week we saw the first set of 9 acts compete in the 1st semi final while tonight we will watch the second set of 9 acts battle for a spot in the final:
- Ingret – Save My Planet
- Mélovin – Under the Ladder
- Julinoza – Hto ya?
- Tayanna – Lelya
- Kadnay – Beat of the Universe
- Yurcash – Stop Killing Love
- Mountain Breeze – I See You
- Illaria – Syla
- Dilemma – Na Party
This is a recap of the nine competing songs:
Out of tonight’s 9 contestants only 3 will qualify to the final. The 3 spots will be decided by a combination of public and jury voting . The jury consists of Jamala (ESC 2016 winner), Andriy Danylko (Ukraine’s ESC 2007 representative ) and Eugene Filatov (singer, producer and the founder of the group Onuka).
Guest star of the night will be this year’s French Eurovision representative Madame Monsieur, where he will perform his Eurovision entry , Mercy..
The first semi final starts at 18:00 CET and you can watch it HERE
Estonia – 2nd semi final
The Estonian national selection goes on tonight with the 2nd semi final of Eesti Laul. Host of the show will be Kristel Aaslaid and Martin Veisman. Eesti Laul this year includes two semi final round and the grand final scheduled to be held on March 3 .
A number of 20 acts participate in this year’s national selection, who will compete in two semi final groups. Last week we watched the first set of 10 acts compete in the 1st semi final while tonight the second set of competing 10 acts are:
- Marju Länik – Täna otsuseid ei tee
- Rolf Roosalu – Show a Little Love
- Frankie Animal – (Can’t Keep Calling) Misty
- Eliis Pärna & Gerli Padar – Sky
- Indrek Ventmann – Tempel
- Evestus – Welcome to My World
- Karl Kristjan & Karl Killing feat. Wateva – Young
- Metsakutsu – Koplifornia
- Girls in Pearls – Spellbound
- Nika – Knock Knock
Out of this group of 10 only 5 will make it to the final . The 5 qualifying acts will be decided after two rounds of voting. From the first phase the 4 best acts that receive the most public and jury votes , will qualify to the final. In the next second phase the audience exclusively, will vote the one act that favors more from the group of 6 acts left behind. The song that wins the public’s votes will follow the first 4 qualifiers to March’s final .
The show will start at 2o:35 CET and you can watch it HERE
Iceland – 2nd semi final
The Icelandic Eurovision 2o18 national selection , Söngvakeppnin, continues on tonight with the 2nd semi final to be aired live right from the Háskólabíó conference hall in the capital city of Reykjavík. Söngvakeppnin 2018 consists of 2 semi finals and one final to be held on March 3 .
A total of 12 acts participate in the country’s national selection. Six of them competed in last week’s 1st semi final while the rest six will compete in today’s 2nd semi final. The contestants are:
- Aron Hannes – Golddigger
- Rakel Pálsdóttir – Óskin mín
- Stefanía Svavarsdóttir, Agnes Marinósdóttir & Regína Lilja Magnúsdóttir – Svaka stuð
- Þórir Geir Guðmundsson & Gyða Margrét Kristjánsdóttir – Brosa
- Dagur Sigurðarson – Í stormi
- Áttan – Hér með þér
From this 6 contestants only 3 will qualify to the final. The 3 spots will be determined exclusively by a public voting . However apart from the total final 6 qualifiers a wildcard will be given to one of the 6 acts that we eliminated in the semi final rounds.
Let us remind you that the entries have been released in two languages, Icelandic and English. In the semi final round the acts have to perform their songs only in Icelandic, while in the final the language in which they’ll choose to perform on the Eurovision stage, in case of winning the national final.
The 2nd Söngvakeppnin semi final starts at 20:45 CET and you can watch it on the national broadcaster’s official site
Slovenia – Semi Final
The Slovenian national selection , EMA 2018, for the ESC 2018 representative kicks off tonight. Host of the show that will be held in Studio 1 of TV Slovenija, will be Vid Valič.
Back in September 2017, the country’s national broadcaster RTVSLO, started receiving applications for EMA 2018. After the deadline, a special jury conclude in a total of 16 entries. Last week through Radio Val 202, we heard for the first time snippets of the competing songs , having 4 revealed each day.
In tonight’s semi final we will watch 16 acts compete for 8 spots in the final. The contestants are:
- Anabel – Pozitiva
- Tanja Ribič – Ljudje
- KiNG FOO – Žive sanje
- INA SHAI – V nebo
- Indigo – Vesna
- ManuElla – Glas
- MILA – Svoboda
- Orter – Kraljica
- Lara Kadis – Zdaj sem tu
- BQL – Ptica
- Proper – Ukraden cvet
- Nika Zorjan – Uspavanka – Lullaby
- Marina Martensson – Blizu
- Nuška Drašček – Ne zapusti me zdaj
- Gregor Ravnik – Zdaj je čas
- Lea Sirk – Hvala, ne!
Here is the recap of this year’s EMA 2018 participants:
Four finalist will be determined by the public votes while another four will be decided by the jury of the show.
The Slovenian EMA 2018 semi final will start at 20:00 CET and you can watch it HERE
Lithuania – 6th qualifying round
Tonight will be aired the the 6th show of Eurovizijos, Lithuania’s national selection for Eurovision 2018. Hosts of the show will be Ugnė Skonsmanaitė and Mantas Stonkus.
In the previous 4 shows we watched a total of 50 acts compete . From those 24 made it to the next phase of the national selection. 12 of those competed in last week’s 5th show. Tonight we will see the 2nd set of acts to qualify to the next round of Eurovizijos:
- Živilė Gedvilaitė – Melody
- Audrius Petrauskas – In My Bones
- Agnė Michalenkovaitė – Going On
- Saulės kliošas – Įkvėpk ir nepaleisk (Man gaila)
- Greta Zazza – Broken Shadows
- Ruta Loop – Positive Thoughts
- Marija – This Love
- The Roop – Yes, I Do
- Elizabeth Olshey – Bejausmis
- Monika Marija – The Truth
- Gabrielius Vagelis – The Distant
- Ieva Zasimauskaitė – When We’re Old
The 6 qualifiers will be decided by a combination of public and jury votes (50-50%). The jury has already cast its votes since the show transmitted tonight is taped:
Draw | Artist | Song | Jury votes | Public | Total | Place | |
Televote | Points | ||||||
1 | Živilė Gedvilaitė | “Melody” | 1 | ||||
2 | Audrius Petrauskas | “In My Bones” | 7 | ||||
3 | Agnė Michalenkovaitė | “Going On” | 1 | ||||
4 | Saulės kliošas | “Įkvėpk ir nepaleisk (Man gaila)” | 10 | ||||
5 | Greta Zazza | “Broken Shadows” | 4 | ||||
6 | Ruta Loop | “Positive Thoughts” | 3 | ||||
7 | Marija | “This Love” | 0 | ||||
8 | The Roop | “Yes, I Do” | 6 | ||||
9 | Elizabeth Olshey | “Bejausmis” | 2 | ||||
10 | Monika Marija | “The Truth” | 10 | ||||
11 | Gabrielius Vagelis | “The Distant” | 5 | ||||
12 | Ieva Zasimauskaitė | “When We’re Old” | 12 |
The show will start at 20:00 CET and you can watch it HERE