Eurovision 2019: The plans for the Eurovision Avenue and the Expo Tel Aviv area arrangement

The forthcoming Eurovision 2019 is scheduled to take place at the International Covention Center (ICC), authorities of which seem to be taking the whole hosting seriously put on the table big plans for the contest.
The ICC known widely with its older name “Fairgrounds”, adopted the new name Expo Tel Aviv and despite having a venue that can’t fit more than 10.000 seats ( 5.000 les Pais Arena in Jerusalem), is was considered by EBU to have the whole package to host the next Eurovision sufficiently.
During his interview to local daily newspaper , Israel Hayom, Mr. Tamir Dayan, CEO of the ICC, admitted that the announcement of hosting Eurovision was terrifying for them. Precisely he stated:
We were thrilled but also shocked. “I said to myself – OMG, what are we going to do?! But once I realized that this is actually happening, I gathered my staff and told them ‘our dreams came true! We will be hosting Eurovision.
To outline their fears, Dayan mentioned to Israel Hayom that the first thing they did after Tel Aviv had been announced as the host city was to arrange a meeting with the Israeli electricity company.
“We wanted to make sure that there would be no sudden electricity shortages. Fortunately, the EBU reassured me that they will also supply their own generators”.
Of course all these concerns by Dayan, are absolutely rational if one takes in mind that Israel is the smallest country to host the Contest (besides Luxemburg) while its previous experience of hosting the event back in 1979 and 1999 can’t pay much back, cause the contest from a three hour TV shows has developed in a huge production with two semi finals, a grand final, a set of six rehearsal rounds with an audience and a participating total that surpasses 40 countries. If to all that add all the surrounding facilities for the press, the delegations, the euroclub and eurovillage events no wonder the stress it brings on the host’s shoulders.
Dayan alongside with marketing manager, Iris Mezal, have put on the table several creative idees to implement in order to make the forthcoming contest an event people will be talking about in the future.
One of those idees is to turn a big part of the ICC in a fancy area for the delegations and thousands of people that will be left outside without a ticket as it is known that the venue will be able to host not more than 10.000 spectators during the live shows. A 70% of the surrounding area will be reorganised in a way that people after hours of rehearsals and interviews won’t need to reach the city to join a party but will be able to do that in the same area.
ICC’s officials are planning to expand the events beyond the Fairgrounds. Rokach Bridge, which connects the Fairgrounds with the ICC will be redesigned and decorated with more colors and modern lights reflecting the Eurovision festive mood. On the other hand for those that will manage to enter the venue (Pavilion 1 and 2) for the live shows, a fully equipped building will welcome them with unique technology and 236 luxurious restrooms. Additionally, the signage in the area will be in three languages, English, Hebrew and Arabic aiming too to turn the whole area into a place where according to Mezal: “Everything must breath, eat and sing Eurovision”.
The Eurovision Avenue
However, what really outstands from the hosts’ plans is the Eurovision Avenue project. A road up to 1,5 km long will host several parties, special events, food, drinks making it a really Avenue of fancy events. As during the rehearsal a number of 1500 are expected to be present , including people from the press, production teams and thousands of individuals, the Eurovision Avenue will be a space to provide the capacity for interviews and special events , promoting the socializing among the visitors
Israeli official and the production team are gearing up in steam the preparations for Eurovision 2019, making plans for aspects that will make the contest an unforgettable experience to all visitors. What do you think of the plans put on the table for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv?