Eurovision 2020: Euroclub venue revealed!

It ‘s impossible to talk about Eurovision and not refer to the word party. And there isn’t a better place to experience that than each year’s Euroclub! Eurovision 2020 won’t be an exception as the spot where all the Eurovision fans will dance themselves off has been revealed!
Good evening Europe this is Rotterdam calling. The host city of Eurovision 2020 has decided where the all night party spot will be during the next competion in May.
According to Rotterdam City Councilor Mr. Said Kasmi the Euroclub will be hosted in Maasilo by the shore at Maashaven Zuidzijde, not far from the Eurovision venue , Rotterdam Ahoy. The place was found most appropriate to host such an event as it includes several large halls (Grand Hall, Middle Hall, Small Hall, Kelder) and can welcome up to 5000 people.
A few words about the Maasilo
The Maassilo is a former grain silo and grain elevator in the Rotterdam Maashaven that has been in use since 2004 as a place of entertainment and an event location .
The oldest part of the silo, which was largely constructed from reinforced concrete , was completed in 1911 and then contained 128 silos with a total capacity of 20,000 tonnes of grain. In 1930 a second part was completed, right next to the oldest part, and in 1951 a final expansion took place.
In 1986, 70 people were still working at Maashaven Silo BV, but that number then declined due to EC measures aimed at stimulating the use of European grains, so that there was less demand for the grain supplied to the port of Rotterdam. Around 2000 it was decided to move the grain storage to a newer part of the port. Since 2004, the Maassilo has been used as an entertainment location and event location , initially (until the end of 2006) by the Now & Wow nightclub .
In 2008, a multi-company building was opened on the front side of the building in which various creative entrepreneurs live.
The Maassilo also laid the foundations for the first Dutch song festival victory after 44 years. In a studio in this building the song Arcade was made with which Duncan Laurence won the Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv in 2019 .
source: wikipedia
About Euroclub
Rotterdam has decided to host the Euroclun of th next competition at the Maasilo.
The Euroclub is a fundamental feature of the Eurovision Song Contest as it gathers all the Eurovision fans,delegation and press in the same place to party and dance themselves off under the melodies of all time Eurovision songs. Entrance is allowed only to accredited fans, jounalists, acts and of course the delegations. In some editions special passes are sold to fans under a specific prize for daily or one time entrance.
Source: ESCtoday