Eurovision 2020: The Grand final will feature an ESC winners medley

Eurovision 2020: The Grand final will feature an ESC winners medley

The Eurovision Song contest will be reaching its 65th edition and the host broadcasters aim to connect the generations through a special medley of past ESC winners during the Grand final. 

The Dutch host Eurovision 2020 broadcaster has brought up the names of several past Eurovision winners to be included in a special medley during the Grand fnal show. We will see the three Dutch Eurovision winners on stage along with other winners from the six decaded of the competition.

Namely, 7 past Eurovision winners will be included in this special medley and will feature the interval act while the public will be casting its votes in the Grand final. The 7 former ESC winners are:

  • Gigliola Cinquetti (Italy) – Non ho l’età  (1964)
  • Lenny Kuhr  (The Netherlands)– De troubadour (1969)
  • Getty Kaspers with Teach-In  (The Netherlands)– Ding-A-Dong (1975)
  • Sandra Kim  (Belgium)– J’aime La Vie (1986)
  • Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan  (Ireland)– Rock ‘n’ Roll Kids (1994)
  • Alexander Rybak (Norway) – Fairytale (2009)
  • Duncan Laurence (The Netherlands)– Arcade (2019)

The 2020 Eurovision Song Contest is set to take place on  12, 14 and 16 May at the Rotterdam Ahoy in Rotterdam.


Angelo D.

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