Eurovision 2021: The four possible scenarios according to which the contest will take place in Rotterdam

The Dutch broadcaster, NPO, held a press conference at Rottedam Ahoy sheding light on the preparations regarding the next Eurovision Song Contest and the potential scenarios under which the competition will take place.
The press conference took place with the presence of the City of Rotterdam, officials from the three ESC host Dutch broadcasters ( AVROTROS, NPO, NOS) while Sietse Bakker (ESC 2021 Excutive Producer/NOS), Jolanda Jansen (Rotterdam Ahoy CEO). Mr Martin Osterdahl (ESC Executive Supervisor/EBU) marked their presence via a video call.
Once again the host broadcasters confirmed that the next edition of the contest will take place one way or another. Namely NOS outlined four potential scenarios under which the next contest will run:
- Scenario A– A Eurovision Song Contest as we know it
- Scenario B– A Eurovision Song Contest with social distancing measures
- Scenario C- A Eurovision Song Contest with travel restrictive
- Scenario D– A Eurovision Song Contest during a lockdown
Scenario A
According to this scenatio the Eurovisio Song Contest will unfold over 9 shows in the way and formula we have experienced it the previsous years. All delegations will be participate with their competing acts performing before a full audience, while a the host city will host a number of side events and activities.
Scenario B
In this case, the competition will take place with social distancing implemented throughout the contest. The delegations will be able to travel to Rotterdam but with a limited number of members. NOS explains this plan stating:
Everyone present at the Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam would need to practice social distancing and remain 1.5 meters from each other at all times.
Again, there would be 9 shows, with an audience in the arena, but with limited capacity to allow for social distancing.
Teams from each participating broadcaster would travel to Rotterdam, but with limits on the number of people in each delegation and on the number of press who could attend. Activities in and around Rotterdam would be adapted accordingly.
Because there would be less space for the audience in this scenario, a new seating layout would have to be made. If that happens, a fair draw will be held to decide who can still attend each show. There will be more information about this in the first months of 2021. Anyone who is unsuccessful in the draw will, of course, be refunded the full purchase amount for their tickets
Scenario C
According to this scanario the competition is held under travel restrictions. The delegates that won’t be able to reach Rotterdam would compete by competing on home soil.
NPO elaborates saying:
A Eurovision Song Contest, probably also socially distanced, from Rotterdam’s Ahoy Arena as in scenario B, with 9 shows and a limited number of audience members in the arena.
If there are any delegations who cannot travel to Rotterdam, their artists will perform from their own country.
All performances in the shows will be brought together in Rotterdam. The entries of the countries that are allowed to travel and the opening and interval acts will still be performed live.
Scenario D
This is the worse it can get for the next contest. If a lockdown shadows the crucial time then the contest will again take place but without audience and the contestants will perform their entries from their home countries.
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