Eurovision Trivia : Top 10 Songs with the highest average score in history.

Eurovision Trivia : Top 10 Songs with the highest average score in history.

An increasing number of countries, hundreds of songs , dozens sets of points and 62 final results. However due to the different score systems implemented every year it’s difficult to compare placings and numbers year to year. However making the aftermath it is possible to reach a top 10 of the most voted songs in history, based on the percentage of the available points each song got in its year. that   So which is the top 10 of the most average voted songs despite the score system of each year?

Νο 10

10th placing for this year’s winner  Salvador Sobral and the song  Amar Pelos Dois which gave to Portugal its first win.  84 sets of point according to the classic Eurovision point scale  (1-8, 10 και 12)  separately by viewers and juries, a system implemented the last two years, made it easy for Salvador to gather the highest score of points ever in absolute numbers. The Portuguese artist got  758 points from 984 points , a 77,03%  of the potential votes one could get.. Ένα ποσοστό που τον φέρνει στην 10η θέση του σχετικού πίνακα.

Νο 9

In 9th placing we run into Belgium’s only winning entry, Sandra Kim’s J’aime La Vie  in 1986. 20 participating countries that year and the results was determined by the juries who cast their votes according to the 10 point Eurovision scale. Sandra Kim got a 77,19%  of the potential votes or in other words  176 out of the  228 available points !

Νο 8

Oh yes  Måns Zelmerlöw  got proportionately more points  than Salvador Sobral. Sweden’s 6th win with the entry  Heroes is in the 8th place with the highest average points. Måns  got 365  out of  468 available points in 2015 or a 77,99% of the total points that could be awarded.  Imagine if he had won the televoting too how higher would he had been! It was the last year that a system combining a public and jury ranking was used.

Νο 7

In this placing we have to do with one of the classic songs of the contest and for many the best Spanish entry. This is the only not winning song included in the top 10. 7th place for 1973 Spanish entry, Eres Tu performed by Mocedades and its 125 points out of a total of 160 points that could be awarded or in other words a  78,13% share of the potential votes. The entry finished up in 2nd place. The voting system was totally different there, since for  every country voted two judges having the  “5 points” as the top voting. In 1973  there were 17 participating countries, so the maximum points that can be awarded to an entry were 160 points.

Νο 6

Ireland was definitely the Eurovision Queen in the 90’s crowned with successive wins and its beautiful ballad entries. One of those Irish ballads we see in  the 6th place!  Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan gave the country its 3rd successive win with the song, Rock n Roll Kids ! The voting system was the classical Eurovision voting formula where every country gave a set of  10 points (1-12 except 9&11). Ireland gathered 226 points out of a total of 288 points ( a 78,47% share of the total available points). For the record, it was the first time a country was breaking the limit of 200 points.

Νο 5

The next song could be expected at first place  but we see it in place No 5.  In 2009 Alexander Rybak and his Fairytale smashed the limit of 300 points  for the first time, in a year when a new voting system was introduced. The results were determined by a combination of jury and public voting , contributing to the final result with 50% each. Τhis formula was implemented with small amendments until 2015. Under this circumstances  Fairytale  eventually got  387 points out of  available total of 492 points  or a share of  78,66% .


Νο 4

During the 90’s the United Kingdom reached many times a step before winning  but had ended 2nd behind the Eurovision Queen of the 90’s, Ireland. This wasn’t the story in 1997 when the country won in the most emphatic way. Katrina & The Waves with here entry Love Shine A Light, was awarded 10 times with 12 points, a record that was reached by Helena Paparizou in 2005 and surpassed by Loreen’s Euphoria in 2012. Katrina gathered  227 points out of a total of 288 points and won the contest. 25 countries participated in that year’s contest and UK’s entry got a 78,82% share of the total available points that could be awarded!

Νο 3

Germany needed time to score a win in the contest, but when achieved in 1982, did it with a new record in points. Nicole and her entry Ein bißchen Frieden got 161 out of a total of 204 potential votes  or a 78,92% share of the maximum points a country could be awarded with. Nicole’s win was one with the biggest margin and the outcome was clear almost from the beginning of the voting process, since Israel in 2nd place had only 100 points.

Νο 2

One of the all time classic songs is placed 2nd in our top 10. Save Your Kisses For Me performed by Brotherhood of Man for U.K in 1976, was awarded 7 times with 12 points by the rest 17 participating countries , achieving a score of  164 points out of 204 available points equal with a 80,39% share of the total points that could be awarded to a country. However, in contrast with Nicole’s easy victory,  Brotherhood of Man had a strong opponent from France ,Catherine Ferry  with  her entry Un, Deux, Trois which reached 147 points!

Νο 1

The song that tops the list of  the 10 highest average voted songs, is the winning song of 1973. Anne-Marie David representing Luxembourg performed Tu Te Reconnaîtras reaching a score of  129 points out of 160 points equal to a 80,63%  share of the maximum points that could be awarded to a country that year.  As mentioned above that year each country votes two times with two judges that awarded their points based on a 5 point scale, where 5 points were the top votes and 1 point the lowest.

That year three countries scored high points: Spain with  Eres Tu finished in 2nd place, reaching 125 points and U.K with Cliff Richard finished 3rd scoring 123 points. However, winning song was that of Luxembourg which achieved a 2nd victory in a row, something that only Spain had achieved until then.


Angelo D.

One thought on “Eurovision Trivia : Top 10 Songs with the highest average score in history.

  1. That’s ridiculously off the chart!
    How can you comapre a system where you get at least 2 points each jury to a system you dont get anything as a minimum?

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