France 2018 : Madame Monsieur’s first rehearsal

The day closes with one more Big 5 country ‘s rehearsal. One of this year’s favorites , France , is represented by the duo Madame Monsieur and their song Mercy
They appear on stage clothes in black color, similar to those in their national final performance, but this time made especially for them my the world wide Jean Paul Gaultier. They are both wearing red shoes.
In the beginning of the song they are both standing in the center of the stage. The background is initially black with shades of blue and dry ice covers the ground floor. Jean-Karl and Emilie seem to have the same style they had in their national final of Destination Eurovision.
The camera starts making moving around them while they are looking to each other . Behind them white and blue colored lights are flashing but the surrounding stage area is dark. During the chorus both of them move forward without any dry ice on the floor this time.
In the second verse of the song they split up and move across the stage heading to the two bridges of the stage. During the last chorus hey meet again in the front line of the stage, which reaches into the audience and start doing the familiar move with their hands. The camera makes panoramic and distant shots while they finish the song looking to each other’s eyes.
Get a taste of France’s first rehearsal: