France: France 2 releases snippets of the 18 Destination Eurovision 2019 entries

The French national broadcaster , France 2, revealed through its Twitter account snippets of the 18 competing entries in the upcoming Destination Eurovision 2019, the country’s national selection format
France 2, earlier this year had officially revealed that the next Eurovision representative will be selected once again through the Destination Eurovision 2019. France 2 unveiled the names of the members that will be forming the jury panel of the country’s national selection Destination Eurovision. Alongside with Christophe Willem will be VITAA and André Manoukian replacing Amir and Isabelle Boulay from last year’s jury. On the other hand Garou will be the host of the show for a 2nd year in a row.
At the beginning of this month the broadcaster reveled the 18 participants of the upcoming French national selection , while today it released snippets of the 18 competing entries which you can listen in the following list:
Aysat – Comme une grande
Battista Acquaviva – Passiò
Bilal Hassani – Roi
Chimène Badi – Là-haut
Doutson – Sois un bon fils
Emmanuel Moire – La promesse
Florina – In the Shadow
Gabriella – On cherche encore
Lautner – J’ai pas le temps
Mazy – Oulala
Naestro – Le brasier
Noémie – Ma petite famille
Philipelise – Madame la paix
Seemone – Tous les deux
Silvàn Areg – Le petit Nicolas
The Divaz – La voix d’Aretha
Tracy De Sá – Por aqui
Ugo – Ce qui me blesse
The national broadcaster has introdruced some changes in this year’s edition of Destination Eurovision. Apart from the jury’s composition , next year the national selection will se all of its shows, semi finals and final, be aired live. From each semi final 4 acts will qualify to the grand final. The panel of experts won’t play any role in the final outcome but an international jury from 20 countries will have a say on the final result. Specifically, 5 country will vote in the 1sr semi final, another set of 5 countries in the 2nd semi final, while the rest 10 countries will vote in the cast grand final.