France Gall, the winner of Eurovision 1965, passed away.

The first week of the new year reserved sad news for the Eurovision Family. Famous French singer France Gall, passed away at the age of 70, in the American Hospital of Neuilly . France Gall participated in Eurovision 1965 with her entry Poupée de cire, poupée de son which gave her the first place in the contest. The same song was included in the best 14 songs that competed in the anniversary edition of the contest Congratulations, celebrating the 50 years of the Eurovision Song Contest.
All this years she had released dozens of albums and singles. In 1988 her song Ella, elle l’a topped the charts in many countries, becoming one of the all time classics of 80’s music. France Gall kind of «disowned» the song that crowned her winner back in 1965 and despite the fact that it’s turned out to be one of the classic Eurovision Songs, she avoided to refer to it and sing it in her performances. Notable that Poupée de cire, poupée de son was the first Eurovision winning song that wasn’t a ballad.
The latest years she faced breast cancer problems and despite the surgery and medical treatment she didn’t manage to overcome this health problem. Lately she was transferred urgently to hospital where she passed away due to respiratory infection.
Lets remember her winning song back in the Eurovision Song Contest of 1965: