France’s First Rehearsal.

France closes today’s Rehearsals with Alma on stage and her song «Requim». For the second continuous year France is participating with a song in English, since last year’s recipe with Amir was successful.
Alma just before her rehearsal stated that she is always in love and that’s how she deal with life generally.
In her first rehearsal she appears with a black white dress with rhinestones on it and intense colored make up. She’s alone on stage while on the back ground screens pictures of building lights and whole buildings are floating. Afterwards the pictures refer to Paris and distribute the Eiffel Tower as a Lighthouse in a dark scene. The scenes of the city start to spin around giving a panoramic dimension to what we see. The rehearsal ends with a closeup to Alma’s face .
Alma vocally sounds pretty good but the first part of the back round projections make the stage seem kind of empty, a fact that improves on the second half of the song when the pictures spin around and give another dimension to the stage.