Greece 2018: The Greek National Broadcast ERT announces how the winner of the national final will emerge!

Greece 2018: The Greek National Broadcast ERT announces how the winner of the national final will emerge!

The eurovision site INFE Greece has revealed that ERT has sent a letter to the country’s eight largest record labels asking them to send their proposals for Eurovision 2018. Below you can read this letter, as INFE Greece presented it exclusively. The two main questions that arise from this letter are what really happens with the Greek lyrics of the chosen song that we have heard about it, as well as the deadline for submitting entries.

As you can read in the letter, the deadline for submitting entries is October 20th, while ERT’s demand is the Greek lyric and the Greek soundtrack – background of the candidate songs. The songs, that will be submitted, will be examined by a committee that will set up public television for this purpose and the songs, that will be judged as suitable, will compete in the Greek final. The final decision will be taken by the TV audience ONLY, according to this letter, something that will happen for the first time in the history of the Greek finals.

Below you can read the letter:

“ΕRT, like every year, will participate in the European Eurovision Song Contest, that will be held in Lisbon from 8 to 12 of May 2018.

The purpose of the national broadcast is to participate in this year’s competition with a strong, full of quality song, sung from an artist with high vocal abilities. Our goal for this year is to make the difference, using only greek lyrics, with a song that will have a greek sound. The songs, that will be submitted, will be examined by a committee and the songs that will pass to the next stage of choice will compete in a greek final and only the public will decide the winner and this is how it will be chosen the representative of Greece in this year Eurovision Song Contest.

In this case, we are waiting – in case there is the possibility and the interest from your side – until Friday October 20th for your songs that you believe that they meet the the above-described specifications.

For reasons of confidentiality, please send the material to us via mail or send it directly to the secretary of the Corporate Communications Department (Mesogion 432, PC 15342, Agia Paraskeui, Office T410, 4th floor, the material to be sent to Ms AnnaParisi, Num:210/6092579″

Angelo D.

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