Greece 2018: Another director’s mistake

Greece 2018: Another director’s mistake

As you read first and exclusively in our regioanl club, INFE Greece, ERT, the national Greek boradcaster, with its official request to the Portuguese production, asked Yianna Terzi to repeat her rehearsal. But why that?

The reason was that after several mistakes in previous Greek rehearsals, this time, something went wrong with  the direction. The fireworks that would normally appear on the bridge of the song, “fled” to the second chorus. The result was to cover the singer’s face and the blue hand effect, which,at last seemed to be captured by the Portuguese director. While the juries were informed not to vote, awaiting the organizers’ decision, the Greek delegation’s request was finally rejected and the juries voted normally.

Greece is not the only country which faces many technical problems caused exclusivelly by the Portuguese production of the event, on the contrary, it fills the long list of many entries such as Israel, Denmark,Austria,Cyprus,the UK and many others which complaint again and again about the technical failures not yet fixed by the organizers.

It seems like “we fix one, another one comes up”!

Fotis Kourouvanis

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