Greece 2018: What did Greece ask for tonight?

Greece 2018: What did Greece ask for tonight?

After the yesterday’s problems with the Jury Rehearsal, with the mistake made with the fireworks and the organizers’ refusal to allow Yianna to redo “Oniro” , the Greek delegate requested and it was accepted that Chaili Jennings be in the control room to check if everything goes as planned for our performance.

And the reason is to ensure that there will be no unexpected facts in the live show. Greeg delegation has facen many problems caused by the organizers and we all are wondering why.

Nevertheless, Yianna Terzi that made an excellent rehearsal at noun, is an ablosutely talented artist and it is certain that she will overcome all the possible problems and nothing will effect her great perfomance.

Fotis Kourouvanis

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