Greece: Heading to a national final cancellation?

According to information released on the local site of INFE Greece and other media, the Greek final is now literally hanging from a thread.
The national broadcaster,ERT, has requested apart from a binding contract signed by the three labels that have submitted the three competing songs, an amount of 20.000 euro guaranteed by the bank. To this request only one label, that of Panic Records, has complied with the two conditions, confirming Yianna Terzis’ participation in the national final. The deadline initially expired today but the broadcaster can wait until the early hours of Friday for the deposit. The other two record labels, Spicy and Spider have not submitted the bank guarantee, in order to participate in the Greek final, development that puts in danger the participation of Areti Katime and Chorostalites respectively.
In case that no one of the two companies will not submit the letters of guarantee, then national final plans collapse, since only Gianna Terzi’s entry will meet the requirements requested by ERT. However, the working group of Greek public broadcaster continues to work on the show on 22 February.
Just a few minutes ago Areti Ketime through her official Facebook account commented on these latest developments:

If ERT favored from the beginning an internal selection it would have been clear and nice to say so.
I will certainly try again in the future but it’s a pity for my team that gave their sole to this effort.
Good Luck Yianna Terzi.”
Taking in consideration these latest statements it seems as if Spicy is not in position to submit to the national broadcaster the bank guarantee for the amount of 20.000 € before the deadline expires.
While all this dramatic developments are evolving around the national final, Yianna Terzi’s song entitled “Oniro mou” (“My Dream“) was released this afternoon on itunes. Listen to the song HERE.