Has already Francesco won? Italy’s first rehearsal.

The time that all the people in the press center ware waiting for, has come! This year’s hot favorite to win just completed his first rehearsal. After lots of awards, gold and platinum records, and millions of downloads, Francesco Gabbani proves why Occidentali’s Karma seems to be unstoppable for this year Eurovision trophy.
Francesco revealed that the choreography with the gorilla was his own idea, because he wanted to convey better to the audience the message of the song. RAI, with a press release to the other national television stations, mentions that Italy is one the biggest favorites in this year Eurovision Song Contest and they send a general message saying that all the people should explore the unknown, with faith to their own powers, even if the unknown often make them feel fear. RAI sends this message trying to combine these advice with what Maggelanos did, and we have to point out that this is something very clever from RAI, because “Maggelanos” is the name of Francesco’s new record. Only from this thing, we can realize that Italy and RAI want the trophy and that they are here with the goal of winning.
Back to the rehearsal now, the screen is like the presentation in the San Remo Festival. A very colourful screen with lots of shapes and rising hands. Francesco wears a black costume like the one in the final round of the San Remo Festival. Behind him, there are four backing vocalists. The gorilla appears on the stage at the second chorus and the well known choreography starts. Francesco is amazing vocally even from the first rehearsal. The vocalists dance in the same way with the singer and the gorilla at the end of the song. Big round of applause and the italian flags appear in the press center, showing that Italy is one of the most serious contenders to win this year.