Hungary: Tonight the 2nd qualifying round of “A Dal 2018”.

Another round of Hungary’s national selection, A DAl 2018, is to be held tonight. A Dal consists of 3 qualifying rounds, 2 semi finals and a Grand Final that will be held on February 24. Hosts of tonight’s second show will be Kriszta Rátonyi and Freddie (Hungary’s ESC 2016 representative).
The second set of 10 acts will compete tonight, out of a total number of 30 that compete in the whole national selection. Tonight’s competing act are:
- AWS – Viszlát nyár
- SavituS – Lusta lány
- Peet Project – Runaround
- Gergely Dánielfy – Azt mondtad
- Gábor Heincz Biga – Good Vibez
- Maya’n’Peti – Nekem te
- Nene zenekar – Mese a királyról
- Odett – Aranyhal
- Viki Singh – Butterfly House
- yesyes – I Let You Run Away
From these 10 acts only 6 will qualify to the semi final round. The result will be determined after two rounds of voting. In the first phase a four member jury, formed by Judit Schell (actor), Misi Mező (head vocalist and guitarist of the Hungarian group Magna Cum Laudethe, Károly Frenreisz (singer and composer) and Miklós Both (composer- performer- guitarist), will rate each song after its performance alongside with the audience, which will vote being the 5th member of the jury. From this phase the 5 best acts will qualify. In the next second phase the public audience only, will vote the one act that favors more from the group of the other 5 acts left behind. The song that wins the public’s votes will follow the first 5 qualifiers to the semi final round.
The second A Dal 2018 show will start at 20:30 C.E.T and you can watch it HERE.