Iceland: The competing acts and songs of Söngvakeppnin 2019

Iceland: The competing acts and songs of Söngvakeppnin 2019

The candidate acts and songs of Iceland upcoming national final Söngvakeppnin 2019 leaked just some hours earlier than the Icelandic broadcaster RUV had scheduled to reveal them.

All songs according to national final terms must be released in Icelandic language with the acts reserving the right to send a version of their song in English or other foreign language. The contestants of the Icelandic national final and their song titles are :

  1. Daníel Óliver – Samt ekki  – Licky Licky
  2. Elli Grill, Skaði, Glymur – Jeijó, keyrum alla leið
  3. Friðrik Ómar – Hvað ef ég get ekki elskað?  – What If I Can´t Have Love?
  4. Hatari – Hatrið mun sigra
  5. Heiðrún Anna Björnsdóttir – Helgi  – Sunday Boy
  6. Hera Björk – Eitt andartak – Moving On
  7. Ívar Daníels – Þú bætir mig – Make Me Whole
  8. Kristina Skoubo Bærendsen – Ég á mig sjálf – Mama Said
  9. Tara Mobee – Betri án þín – Fighting For love
  10. Þórdís Imsland – Nú og hér  – What Are You Waiting For?

Among the candidates we meet some familiar faces to the Eurovision family, such as  Friðrik Ómar who as member of  the group Euroband participated in Eurovision 2008 with the entry  This is my life which came 14th. Additionally we see once again  Hera Björk who represented the country in Eurovision 2010 with her entry Je ne sais quoi which finished in the 19th placing of the final. 

You can here the comepting songs by visiting this site 


Iceland had been participating in the Eurovision Song Contest since 1986 and is the only country for the Scandinavic ones not to have won the contest, despite finishing twice 2nd (1999, 2009). This year Iceland will try and select the act that will bring an end to the 4 conecutive failures to qualify to the grand final.

Last year the country was represented by Ari Ólafsson and the song Our Choice which ended in the last place of the 1st semi final in Lisbon.

Angelo D.

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