INFE Poll 2019: First set of votes comes from INFE Georgia

INFE Poll 2019: First set of votes comes from INFE Georgia

Following the successful INFE Eurovision polls of the last two years, the INFE Network will be holding for a third concecutive year its Eurovision 2019 poll in collaboration with the leading eurovision site of ESCToday, which will be presenting daily exclusively the votes coming accross Europe and Australia from local INFE club members.

A total of 21 INFE clubs from Europe and Australia will cast their votes, while 4 more clubs from Rest of the world will provide us the 22th set of votes.

First club to open the voting process is INFE Georgia! Here are the results from the Georgian fans:

1 point goes to  Azerbaijan
2 points go North Macedonia
3 points go to France
4 points  go to Sweden
5 points go The Netherlands
6 points go to Malta
7 points go to Italy
8 points go to Israel
10 points go to Switherland
12 points go to  Cyprus
A great start for Cyprus and Tamta, who receives the first set of 12 points and opens this year’s poll! Will she keep on leading the scoreboard?

26996757_2055616148042059_925408369_nAbout INFE Georgia

Eurovision Georgian Magazine is one of the most active Eurovision fan clubs in Georgia, aiming to bring more popularity to the competition within the home nation. As well as keeping their members up-to-date with all of the latest news, the club also hosts a number of Eurovision nights on a regular basis.



Angelo D.

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