INFE Poll 2019: The votes from INFE Greece are in!

Following the successful INFE Eurovision polls of the last two years, the INFE Network will be holding for a third concecutive year its Eurovision 2019 poll in collaboration with the leading eurovision site of ESCToday, which will be presenting daily exclusively the votes coming accross Europe and Australia from local INFE club members.
A total of 21 INFE clubs from Europe and Australia will cast their votes, while the clubs from Rest of the world will provide us the 22th set of votes.
Next stop to check out the votes is Greece and the one of the oldest fan clubs in Europe, INFE Greece (aka Greek Eurovision Fan club). Lets see how the Greek fans voted:
Below you may check out how the current scoreboard of the INFE Poll 2019 looks:
- Switzerland – 48 points
- The Netherlands – 47 points
- Italy – 40 points
- Cyprus – 29 points
- Sweden – 22 points
- Russia – 20 points
- Azerbaijan – 12 points
- France – 11 points
- Malta – 10 points
- North Macedonia – 9 points
- Israel – 8 points
- Norway – 8 points
- Spain – 8 points
- Malta – 6 points
- Iceland – 7 points
- Armenia – 4 points
- Greece – 4 points
- Belgium – 1 point
- Portugal – 1 point
- Serbia – 1 point
About INFE Greece
The Greek Eurovision Fan Club was established in 1988 and is one of the oldest Eurovsion Fan Clubs in Europe. The club founded the INFE Network in 2011 in collaboration with the clubs of Spain, France, Cyprus, Turkey, Poland and Azerbaijan and was renamed into INFE Greece. Its one of the top Eurovision portals for news in Greece and Cyprus, while the club holds a variety of events through all the year.
For more news about INFE Greece, check out their website.