Israel: Netta makes first TV appearance in USA on NBC’s Today Show

As planned Netta made her debut performance in the United States on live television, introducing herself and her winning entry Toy to the American audience.
According to her confirmed plans, revealed some weeks ago, the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 winner, Netta, flew over to the United States to appear on the NBC’s Today Show making her first appearance in the specific continent.
Besides her performance of her winning entry Toy, Netta was interviewed earlier, presenting aspects of her life after her Eurovision win and how she experienced the Eurovision story itself.
Netta on her Eurovision experience
Categorizing the artist in the pantheon of Eurovision winners alongside with ABBA and Celine Dion the T.V presenter asked Neta how life has been after her victory. Netta responded as following:
“It’s been an unreal experience. Everyday I’ve been waking up in another country and I’m like “What? Where am I?”.
Elaborating on her how Eurovision victory has changed her life , Netta outlined the special moment of meeting Prince William in Tel Aviv:
I met Prince William. He was a real Prince Charming, he’s really really sweet. Very planned out, we had a 10 minute walk, they closed the streets .
Following these responses the interview moved onto her winning song, Toy, and the message it delivers to the people having Netta stating on that:
This song was inspired by the Me Too movement, and this is an amazing time when women are finding their voices this year and it’s amazing. But you know it gives power to everybody who has been struck down by a bigger force; by your boss, been bullied. So it’s to everybody who has been told that they can’t be what they want to be.
Take a look at Netta’s USA TV performance of her song Toy :