Israel: Netta releases the official music video of her latest single “Cuckoo”

Israel: Netta releases the official music video of her latest single “Cuckoo”

The Eurovision 2018 winner, Netta, has released the official music video of her latest track “Cuckoo” that will all got to listen first time during the special show ‘Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light’ last month.

We all saw Netta perform from her bedroom during the special show “Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light” her new track “Cuckoo”, now the Israeli act is offering to her fans the official music video of it. The song itself has been written by Netta herself in collaboration with Bert Elliott and Krysta Marie Youngs while the production is signed by  Bert Elliott and JR Rotem. Netta’s new track might differ in style from what we have been used to in the past but that different style showcases the act’s versatility.

On the other hand the music video of the song maitains that quirky style that Nettas has gotten us used to and reflects the image and all of what she represents herself.  The video  has been directed under the guidance of  Roy Raz with Roman Harten being the director of photography.

Besides the music video of “Cuckoo” Netta revealed that on June 25 her so awaited international EP titled ‘Goody Bag’ will go public. Her new Ep will consist of all her latest hits since Eurovision 2018 including her winning entry “Toy”. Additionally it will include Bassa Sababa” “Nana Banana”Ricki Lake  and both the studio version and the music box version of “Cuckoo“.

Netta’s Eurovision Story

Netta Barzilai represented Israel at Eurovision 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal with her super energetic song “Toy”, after winning the talent show “The Next Star” which was Israel national selection format for Eurovision. The Israeli act topped the overall scoreboard with a total of 529 points, bringing the Eurovision trophy on home soil after a period of 20 years.


Angelo D.

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