Israel: The 3rd semi final results of HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion; Ketreyah the third finalist

The third semi final round of HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion (aka The Next Star) took place tonight, during which the rest 4 remaining acts after the 1st semi final and the 2nd semi final shows, competed this evening, with one more act securing its qualification to the grand final.
In today’s semi final round the 4 acts performed in front of the show’s judges, Static & Ben-El Tavori, Keren Peles, Harel Skaat (Israel 2010), Shiri Maimon (Israel 2005) and Assaf Amdursky, awarded 0 or 8 points to each contestant while the rest of the votes were awarded by the public.
Check out the performances and their results:
Daniel Barzilai – Use Somebody (50%)
Ketreyah – Rise Up (91%)
Shefita – Lioness (65%)
Avraham de Carvalho – Perfect (89%)
Therefore the 3rd finalist of Israeli preselection show Hakokhav Haba is Ketreyah. On Thursday will be decided winner of the wilcard to the final between earlier eliminated acts Osher Biton and Kobi Merimi while on Saturday for the last ticket to the final will battle Abraham, Daniel and Shefita.