Israel: The first set of qualifiers on the 2nd round of HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion

As the series of auditions shows completed, the 1st show of the second phase of HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion, took place last evening during which 11 acts took the stage and aimed to move on to the next stage of the talent show.
During this 2nd round the acts that made it through the audition shows, perform covers of well known songs before the jury made up by Static & Ben-El Tavori, Keren Peles, Shiri Maimon (Israel 2005) and Assaf Amdursky, while Harel Skaat (Israel 2010) was replaced by the singer Itay Levy.
Out of 11 acts that performed last evening five of them achieved to pass to the next round of the show, coming closer to their dream to represent Israel in Eurovision 2020. Let go and see the qualifiers’ performances: