Israel: The qualifiers of the first three audition shows of HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion

The host country of Eurovision 2019 will select its next Eurovision representative through the talent show HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion(The Next Star for Eurovision). The audutions’ phase kicked off on November 23, on Keshat 12. During the first three shows a total of 12 candidates made it through to the next stage of the show.
The contestants perform on stage a song of their choice and aim to receive a total of 70% positive votes coming from the audience and the member of a jury made up by Static & Ben-El Tavori, Keren Peles, Shiri Maimon (Israel 2005) and Assaf Amdursky, while Harel Skaat (Israel 2010) was replaced by the singer Itay Levy. Additionally the show’s hosts Assi Azar (ESC 2019 host) and Rotem Sela, can save some contestants that don’t manage to receive the required votes.
The 12 acts that made it through to the next round of the HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion are: