Italy 2017: Francesco’s video of «Occidentali’s Karma» hits over 100 million YouTube Views.

It hasn’t been over three months since Francesco Gabbani won the Sanremo Festival with his entry Occidentali’s Karma and its impulse all over Europe is growing huge.
While Italian Eurofans are arguing on whether the message of Francesco’s video is clear to the public or is considered just another “amusing” entry for the Eurovision Song Contest, the number of views on YouTube are really impressive. The official clip of the song Occidentali’s Karma, Italy’s entry for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev, has reached a number over 100 million views in three months from its official release on YouTube. The same time Italy is first on the betting boards predicting the potential winner of the contest next May.
One day after Sanremo Final the video didn’t have more than 500.000 views on the YouTube.It took it only 3 days to reach the extraordinary number of 10 million views, maintaining a trend of increasing further. Now is the ninth popular italian song in youtube and have more than 100.000.000 views.
”Occidentalis karma” is the most popular Eurovision Song in Youtube.
If you haven’t viewed yet Occidentali’s Karma video take a look to it below :