#JoinUs in Copenhagen!

INFE has finally arrived to Copenhagen. The city has welcomed us with a sunny day and a nice weather, although it seems it will worsen as the week goes by. The B&W Hallerne, despite of its charmless outlook, has a big inside with an impressive stage and a powerful lighting.
All the press and crew facilities this year are located in a series of tents at the entrance of the B&W, which makes it very convenient to move between the arena and the press centre. However, the arena is a bit far from the city centre and the transport isn’t as well organized as it should be for such a big event. You can get to the Eurovision island by bus or by waterbus.
The danes are fantastic hosts and have welcomed us in a warm and hearty way. They are incredibly friendly and helpful with all of us, which make it easier for us to find our way in the city.
Today, May 3rd saturday, the semifinalists of the second heat are having their second rehearsal.