Lithuania: “Pabandom iš naujo” 2nd semi final results; National final line up completed

Lithuania: “Pabandom iš naujo” 2nd semi final results; National final line up completed

The second semi final of the Lithuanian national selection for Eurovison 2020, Pabandom iš naujo, finished just minutes ago determining the last 4 spots of the national final.

The second semi final show that was hosted by Gabrielė Martirosian and Giedrius Masalskis, alongside with the country’s ESC 2018 representative, Ieva Zasimauskaitė, saw a total of 8 acts battle for 4 national final spots. These were the following;

Οι 8 συμμετοχές που πήραν μέρος στον αποψινό ημιτελικό, ήταν οι εξής:

  1. Meandi – DRIP
  2. Petunija – Show Ya
  3. Germanas Skoris – Chemistry (Breaking Free)
  4. Moniqué – Make Me Human
  5. Rokas Povilius – Vilnius Calling
  6. Monika Marija – If I Leave
  7. Andy Vaic – Why Why Why
  8. The Backs – Fully

Out of 8 contestants only four made it to the final show, which were determined by the show’s jury (50%) made up by Darius Užkuraitis, Gerūta Griniūtė, Giedrė Kilčiauskienė, Vaidotas Stackevičius and Leon Somov, and the pubic vote (50%).

The four contestants that won the ticket to the final were:

 The overall scoreboard of tonight’s semi final round developed as  following:

Draw Artist Song Jury Public Total Place
Votes Points Televote Points
1 Meandi “DRIP” 40 8 486 6 14 3
2 Petunija “Show Ya” 23 4 195 3 7 7
3 Germanas Skoris “Chemistry (Breaking Free)” 33 7 339 5 12 5
4 Moniqué “Make Me Human” 54 10 2618 12 22 2
5 Rokas Povilius “Vilnius Calling” 26 5 588 7 12 6
6 Monika Marija “If I Leave” 56 12 1652 10 22 1
7 Andy Vaic “Why Why Why” 15 3 321 4 7 8
8 The Backs “Fully” 28 6 606 8 14 4

Therefore, after last week’s first semi final results and today’s 2nd semi final round the national final line up of Pabandom iš naujo 2020 has as following:

Angelo D.

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