Marcel Bezançon Awards for Conchita Wurst & The Common Linnets
Since 2002 and after the Grand Final of the Eurovision song contest, it’s time for the Marcel Bezançon Awards, which are named after the person behind the very first Eurovision Song Contest in 1956. SVT, the swedish broadcaster, is the promoter of these awards. The awards went to the following songs:
– Press award (best song according to the media representatives in Copenhagen): Raise Like A Phoenix (Austria) performed by Conchita Wurst and winner of the ESC 2014. The award was collected by Kathrin Zechner, Assistant Director of ÖRF (Austrian Television).
– Best performance award (voted by all commentators): The Common Linnets (Ilse DeLange and Waylon), representing The Netherlands.
– Best song award (voted by all the composers in the final): Calm After The Storm (The Netherlands), written by Ilse DeLange, JB Meijers, Rob Crosby, Matthew Crosby and Jake Etheridge and performed by The Common Linnets.