Norway: NRK presents the 5th semi-final MGP 2021 acts

The Norwegian national broadcaster, NRK, has revealed the 5th semi-final acts of Melodi Grand Prix, the show that will determine the nation’s ESC 2021 representative.
During a press conference at the NRK haeadquarters in Oslo, the acts of the fifth semi final were unveiled along with their entires.
According to the NRK schedule the competing entries of the semi finals are going public every Monday ahead of each one of the semi finals while during the semi final one prequalified act will perform its Grand final entry which is released one day before the show.
The Fifth Semi final acts
The four acts that will compete next Saturday in the semi final five are the following:
1. IMERIKA: «I Can’t Escape»
(Lyrics and music: Erika Dahlen (IMERIKA), Bjørn Olav Edvardsen, Morten Franck and Ben Adams.)
2. RIVER: «Coming Home»
(Lyrics and music: Thomas Heiland, Lennart Karlsen, Magnus Claussen, Simen Meland Handeland and Tommy La Vardi.)
3. TuVeia: «Bli med meg på gar’n»
(Lyrics and music:Kristian Galaaen Bredalslien, Roar Galaaen Bredalslien, Bendik Johnsen, Torgeir Ryssevik, Carl-Henrik Wahl, Jonas Holteberg Jensen, Sindre Timberlid Jenssen og Sarah A. V. Johnston.)
4. Ane.Fin: «Walking In My Sleep»
(Lyrics and music: Ane Caroline Finstad (Ane.Fin), Niklas Rosström, Espen Andreas Fjeld, Kim Rune Hagen and Vebjørn Jernberg).
Pre-qualified act
In addition one more pre-qualified artist out of six will be showcasing her song:
Rein Alexander: «Eyes Wide Open»
(Melody: Rein Alexander Korshamn, Christian Ingebrigtsen, Kjetil Mørland)

«Eyes Wide Open» will be released Friday February 12th. Rein Alexander will showcase his song in semi-finale 5, February 13th.
MGP 2021 dates
The Norwegian national selection commenced on January 16 with the first semi final show and continues this Saturday with the 3rd semi final show and will conclude on February 20 with the Grand final.
This is the Melodi Grand Prix schedule:
Semi-final 1 – January 16
Semi-final 2 – January 23
Semi-final 3 – January 30
Semi-final 4 – February 6
Semi-final 5 – February 13
Second Chance Round – February 14
Grand final – February 20
News Source: NRK