Poland: The 10 finalist of Krajowe Eliminacje 2017.

The Polish national broadcaster TVP announced today the 10 finalist of Krajowe Eliminacje 2017, the country’s national selection for the upcoming Eurovision Song contest. A totel of 132 artist submitted their song and a special jury concludes in a group of 10 participants that will battle for the golden ticket on the final taking place on 18 February.
The 10 artists that will compete in the Final are:
- Martin Fitch – Fight For Us
- Kasia Moś – Flashlight
- Carmell – Faces
- Agata Nizińska – Reason
- Rafał Brzozowski – Sky over Europe
- Isabell Otrębus-Larsson – Voiceless
- Małgorzata Uściłowska (Lanberry) – Only Human
- Aneta Sablik – Ulalala
- Paulla – Chcę tam z tobą być
- Olaf Bressa – You Look Good
This year’s selection will introduce some changes since the final outcome will be based 50% on jury voting and another 50% on public voting . Another difference from last year will be the exclusion of foreigners from the national selection and all participants will be only Polish. In addition to that, no artists that will have participated in another’s country national selection will be allowed to compete in the polish one.
Last year the winner of Krajowe Eliminacje 2016 represented the country Michał Szpak and his song “Color of Your Life“. In the final, Poland performed in position 12 and placed eighth out of the 26 participating countries, scoring 229 points.
Poland will be participating in the second half of the first semi final of the upcoming Eurovision SOng COntest in Kiev on May 9.