Portugal JESC 2019: Joana Almeida to represent the country at Junior Eurovision 2019

The Portuguese national broadcaster, RTP, has unveiled that 10 y.o Joana Almeida will represent Portugal at the upcoming Junior Eurovision in Poland after winning music competiton “Gala dos Pequenos Cantores da Figueira da Foz “
In the following video you can watch Joana perform the song No Deixes at the local children’s competition , Gala dos Pequenos Cantores da Figueira da Foz , where she was crowned winner:
Joana’s, Vem Comigo (Come With Me), is composed by João Pedro Coimbra (Portuguese composer), who earlier this year was incvited by RTP to compose this year’s Junior Eurovision entry. The song talks about the environment and conveys the message of hope that the young generations can play a positive role on our planet’s environmental health.
The Story so Far
Portugal counts a total of four participations in Junior Eurovision. It’s debut was in 2006 and from 2008 and on the country has been absent. Best resutls is its 14th place in 2006 and 2017. Last year Rita Laranjeira represented Portugal with her entry Gosto de Tudo, which came 18th with 42 points.