Russia: National broadcaster to launch Eurovision 2019 preparations after new year’s program is settled

Russia: National broadcaster to launch Eurovision 2019 preparations after new year’s program is settled

A country which usually keeps its cards closed when it comes to its Eurovision participation is Russia. During the recent years the country  gives details on its Eurovision entry no sooner than its released.

According to ESCKAZ report the country will follow the same path informing us that preparations for its participation at Tel Aviv will begin after the new year’s program is settled. Further on the report hosts a statement by an official of the Russian national broadcaster saying :

It’s too early to say something. Shortly we will focus on new year’s program preparations and after we will deal with the Eurovision project.

This statement automatically confirms Russia’s participation in the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv. On the other hand Russian composer Philipp Kirkorov who was behind the country’s entries the last two years, posted on his Instagram Dream Team’s intention of a Eurovision comback but without mentioning a coutry’s name. Is there a chance this country could be his homeland?

Notable fact that every year the responsibility of Russias Eurovision participation is taken by two broadcasters on rotation basis annually.  Channel One is responsible one year, to be followed by VGTRK the next.

Julia Samoylova represented Russia in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest with the song I won’t break. She was also selected to compete in the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest as a representative of Russia with the song A flame is burning, however due to some problems with the Ukrainian authorities, the country decided to withdraw ahead of the competition.

Watch below Samoylova’s performance at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest:

Angelo D.

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