Russia: Sofia Feskova to perform “My New Day” at Junior Eurovision 2020
Sofia Fescova has been selected as the next Russian hopeful for Junior Eurovision with her song “My New Day” which won the 2020 national final.
Eleven-year-old Sofia Feskova from St. Petersburg with the song “My New Day” won the Russian national selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020. The result of the national final was determined 50% a vote by the jury and 50% by the audience and was held by the Igor Krutoy Academy.
The young act stated after her victory to TASS:
Of course, I will prepare very hard for the final. Before the competition, I worked with a vocal teacher twice a week. Now, I think there will be a lot more classes. But I am ready for this.
This was Sofia’s second attempt to represent Russia after last year’s participation. Commenting on how she feels after her efforts she said:
This is a very interesting experience, I really love such events. “Now I have mixed feelings: surprise, joy.”
The 11 acts that competed in the national final after been chosen through auditions were:
- Sofia Feskova from St. Petersburg (Moy novy den – My new day)
- Arseny Slesarev from Moscow ( Chto ty nadelala baby? – What have you done baby?)
- Artem Fokin from Sevastopol ( Vozmi moyu ruku – Take my hand)
- Sofia Shkepu from Yaroslav ( Alise)
- Artem Morozov from Moscow (Leti – Fly)
- Rutger Garecht from Orenburg ( Doroga ,Moya Suba – The road is my destiny)
- “Little Z” ( Mikhail Koval & Polina Koroleva) from Novosibirsk ( Pervaya Lyobov – My first love)
- Sergey Filin & Veronica Litovchenko from Moscow (V trendakh TikTok – In TikTok trends)
- Sophia Tumanova from Novosibirsk (Bolshe Sveta – More Light)
- Genych (Gennady Pereverdiev) from Moscow (Nastroyeniye Panda – Mood Panda)
- Sofia Kirsenko from Simferopol (Prosto Zhit – Just live)
The professional jury led by the editor-in-chief of the Karusel TV channel Tatyana Tsyvareva included Eurovision-2004 participant Yulia Savicheva, Eurovision-2011 contestant Alexei Vorobyov, Eurovision-2003 participant in the Tatu band Lena Katina, winner of Junior Eurovision 2017 “Polina Bogusevich, participant of Junior Eurovision 2015 Mikhail Smirnov and TV presenter Alla Krutaya.
Listen to Sofia’s Junior Eurovision 2020 entry: