Slovenia 2018: Get to know Lea Sirk

Slovenia for another year chose the country’s repredentative through the national final EMA, which this year had the differentiation that all entries had to be in the Slovenian language. Lea Sirk with Hvala, ne !, was the winner with a composition of herself and Tomy DeClerque.
About Lea
Lea is 28 years old, and Mother of Two Girls. She had studied music in Geneva, Switzerland, and plays the flute since she was young. From early age she has taken part in various competitions across Europe. In 2005 she won the Young Singer’s Prize in a contest in Cologne, Germany, and in 2009 and 2010 she took part in the country’s national final, EMA, in order to represent the country in the Eurovision Song Contest. Lea has already taken part in the Eurovision Song Contest as a member of the vocals in 2014 and 2016.
Slovenia debuted in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1993 and since then it has missed the competition only twice in 1994 and 2000. The country’s best result is the 7th place in 1995 and 2001. Last year, the country ended in the 17th place in the semi-final with Omar Naber, who also represented the country in 2005.
Moje ime je Lea Sirk in za vas imam nov lik
Lik nasmeha in svobode kot najbolj virutualen trik
En korak do zmage
En korak do luchi
Do popolnosti
Borim se z nasmehom do sonca, borim se za ljudi
Pot do resnice, me zaslepi
Ljubezen tista pvra pride, da preslepi
Jaz pa si vzamem, kar telo osvobodi
Ne verjemi v vse, kar ponujeno ti je
Misli na glas in upaj
Da skrivnost je tem, na prodajaj se vsem
To je najbolj passe
hvala, ne, ne!
Hvala, ne!
Hvala, ne, ne!
Hvala, hvala, ne!
Milijon ljudi je že reklo, da nas prevech živi
Tistih, ki so nesrechni in brez luchi
En nasmeh za srecho
En nasmeh za ljudi
Za tiste polne skrbi
Svoje duše ne dam nikomur, držim jo za sé
Prava umetnost, brez-brez cene
Vsak odgovor je v meni, najdem ga kadar zaspim
Ko telo je sprošcheno, predano za vse
Ne verjemi v vse, kar ponujeno ti je
Misli na glas in upaj
Da skrivnost je tem, na prodajaj se vsem
To je najbolj passe
Ne verjemi v vse, kar ponujeno ti je
Misli na glas in upaj
Da skrivnost je tem, na prodajaj se vsem
To je najbolj passe
Hvala, ne, ne!
Hvala, ne!
Hvala, ne, ne!
Hvala, hvala, ne!
Kot lutka za ljudi
Ki se skrivajo za maskami
Enaki, popolni, a nezadovoljni
Hvala, ne, ne, ne!
Ne verjemi v vse, kar ponujeno ti je
Misli na glas in upaj
Da skrivnost je tem, na prodajaj se vsem
To je najbolj passe
hvala, ne, ne!
Hvala, ne!
Hvala, ne, ne!
Hvala, hvala, ne!