Spain: TVE receives over 1000 entries for Eurovision 2019 national selection

Spain: TVE receives over 1000 entries for Eurovision 2019 national selection

The Spanish broadcaster has receiver more than 1000 songs for this year’s national selection process, that will determine the next Eurovision act and entry.

Spain will be deciding its 2019 Eurovision act and entry for a 5th time through the successful talent show of Operacion Triunfo . Last month TVE revealed that all 16 OT 2018 contestants will have the right to represent the country in the upcoming Eurovision Song contest.TVE will be searching its potential Eurovision entries through two paths: A public call for songs and by inviting experienced and established composers


From 01 Noverber till 15 November 2018 interested composers were able to sumbit their songs for Eurovision 2019. The public interest exceeded all expectations, as  a total of  953 songs  have been received through the participation form of Now that the submissions are completed, a special committe formed by  five members representing OGAE SpainAEV Spain(INFE Spain),RTVE Digital and the Spanish music industry will evaluate all submitted entries and conclude to a total of 10 songs. These 10 entries will be presented to the broadcaster until 10 December the latest.


The same time RTVE and Gestmusic  addressed  a seperate invitation to established composers and producers in the music scene to submit an entry for the forthcoming Spanish national final. Another total of 100 songs were added to the national selection process, boosting the overall number of candidate entries over 1000.  A special committee of five members from TVE, RTVE Digital and the Operacion Triunfo teachers  will shortlist the submitted songs to a total of 10 entries.

National Final

This total of 20 selected entries ( 10 through public call/10 through invited composers) will be given to the 16  OT 2018 participants, who will record their respective songs. After that the broadcaster will publish the 20 entries on its official website and open a two week  online voting where visitors can caste their votes for their favorite one

The 3 most voted entries will automatically pass to the national final while the five member jury from  TVE, TVE Digital and Operacion Triunfo 2018 teachers will choose additionally  7  more entries from the rest 17 songs.

According to plan a national final of 10 contestants will be held to decide who will represent Spain in the next Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv probably in January. The outcome of the national final will be determined exclusively by the public voting through televoting. In case of a tie between two contestants then the audience will repeat a voting to choose between the two.

The winners of ΟΤ 2017, Alfred & Amaia , represented the country in Lisbon with their song Tu cancion and finished 23rd in the final.

Spain in Eurovision

Spain participated for the first time in  1961 with Conchita Bautista and has achieved twice to win , in 1968 (Massiel) and in 1969 (Salome). Madrid hosted the contest in 1969 where there was a four country tie in the first place on the final scoreboard.

Despite not having missed a single contest since 1961, Spain doesn’t have remarkable results to show the latest year. Exception was Anabel Conde’s 2nd place in  Eurovision 1995 held in Dublin.

Lets remember that magical vocal performace by Anabel back in 1995:


Angelo D.

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