Spain: TVE sends Edurne to give the battle in Eurovision!

Edurne has been selected by the Spanish national broadcaster, TVE, via an internal selection in order to represent Spain at the forthcoming 2015 Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna next year in May. The Spanish broadcaster will air both semifinals on TVE2 on 19 and 21 May, whilst the grand final will be aired on TVE1. The Spanish broadcaster followed the same format to select the Eurovision representative the past two years, 2012 and 2013 , selecting in 2012 Pastora Soler and in 2013 El Sueño de Morfeo.
TVE’s Programme & Strategy director conducted a press conference and introduced Edurne to the assembled press. Mr. Ignacio Gomez Acebo told the press that TVE is going to try its best to bring the contest back to Spain next May. A part of the presentation can be watched below:
Edurne will sing Amanecer in Vienna in spanish. The song that has been produced by none other than Tony Sanchez Ohlsson, the author of the 2007 and 2012 Spanish Eurovision entries ( I love you mi vida (DNASH) and Quedate conmigo (Pastora Soler) and the Swedish dream team Thomas G:son and Peter Bostrom. Both G:son and Bostrom were the composers of the 2012 Swedish winning entry Euphoria.Thomas G:son has been behind many Eurovision entries in the past years: the 2007 and 2012 Spanish entries, the 2010 Danish Eurovision entry, the 2001, 2006 and 2012 Swedish Eurovision entries and the 2007 Norwegian Eurovision entry.
The 2015 Spanish Eurovision entry and its official videoclip will be recorded in the coming weeks and is expected to be released soon
Last year in Copenhagen Spain was represented my Ruth Lorenzo and her entry Dancing in the rain , achieving with her dynamic ballad and presentation on stage an honorable 10th place.