Sweden: Final 14 artists for Melodifestivalen 2015 go public.

SVT, the Sweedish broadcaster revealed the next 14 competitors for the rest two semi finals for Melodifestivalen 2015. We remind you that one day before SVT revealed the 14 artist that will compete in the first two semi-finals that will take place in Gothenburg and Malmö.
Today the national broadcaster completed the line up by revealing the rest 14 competitors for the 3rd and 4th semifinal. The list contains artists with past in the Melodifestivalen event.So the names are:
21/02: Semi-final 3 – Östersund
Andreas Weise – Bring out the fire
Isa Tengblad – Don’t stop
Kalle Johansson – För din skull
Kristin Amparo – I see you
Ellen Benediktson – Insomnia
Jon Henrik Fjällgren – Jag är fri
Andreas Johnson – Living to die
28/02: Semi-final 4 – Örebro
Caroline Wennergren – Black swan
JTR – Building it up
Midnight Boy – Don’t say no
Annika Herlitz – Ett andetag
Hasse Andersson – Guld och gröna skogar
Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes
Dinah Nah – Make me (La La La)
Melodifestivalen 2015 begins with the first semi-final in Gothenburg on February 7. The semi-final stage of the competition will run throughout February, with a second chance round on March 7 and the grand final taking place on March 14.