Tel Aviv Rehearsals Day 5: Up next for 2nd rehearsal is Montenegro

After one day break due to the local holiday of the Israeli National Independence Day, rehearsals get back on track starting with the semi final 1 countries. After completing a full round of first rehearsals for both semi finals competing countries, the schedule moves on today to the 2nd rehearsal for each country. The day kicks off with Cyprus and concludes with Portugal. The only countries from the 1st semi final that will rehearse second time tomorrow are Greece and San Marino.
Up next to rehearsal after Tamta, is the group D moll from Montenegro performing their song “Heaven”.
As exactly in the first rehearsal the six members appear on stage wearing all of them white suits with slight differences. A few of the, have some red scarves or lapels in their outfit.
No outstanding differences from the first rehearsal, however the acts seem to work better with the cameras and their harmonies have improved.
Check out D Moll’s second rehearsal video: