UK: BBC calls for Submission

From today until the 1st of November artists and composers can submit their entries for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest. Like last year, UK will kick off a National selection, «Eurovision: You Decide». in order to select the British entry for 2017. The whole procedure is nearly the same like 2016, and the artist who will have the honor to fly the flag of the country in Ukraine will be deliberated via a televised show.
UK Eurovision Fan Club members and staff of the music industry and BBC, will evaluate and inspect the whole procedure and all the public entries.
Hugh Goldsmith comments:
<<I am looking for songs which have the capacity to make a true impact on the 200 million people that will watch Eurovision live in May 2017. Good is not enough…. Great is required! The winning song will need to combine emotive lyrics and memorable melodies with a brilliant production. Writers should not be constrained by genre. Best in class is what we want!!! If you think you have the perfect song, we would love to hear it from you>>.
Guy Freeman, also comments:
<<This is the moment for anyone who passionately believes they’ve written an outstanding song that could win over the hearts and minds of millions of European TV viewers and professional juries, to go for it and submit their entry>>.
UK used almost the same procedure last year. Joe and Jake won last year’s «Eurovision: You Decide», with their song <<You are not alone>>. They performed their song at the Final Show of ESC 2016 in Sweden, and ended up at the 24th place.