Ukraine: Clarifications of Ukrainian public broadcaster on the ESC entry

Ukraine: Clarifications of Ukrainian public broadcaster on the ESC entry

Many rumors have been circulated about this year’s participation of Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest. A few days ago, as we informed you, we found out  that the public broadcaster is experiencing serious financial problems and it is possible that it may close until the end of the month. In particular, the EBU had published an article on its official website, stating that UA: PBC, is threatened with closure due to current financial difficulties and lack of funding

This poses a serious risk of the country’s participation at the contest, as only public broadcasters have the right to participate. Simultaneously, we were watching  this year’s Ukrainian represenantive Melovin to carry on his song and the preparations of his team for Lisbon.

Yesterday, through the esctoday, we all found out  the truth about Ukrainian entry. The site hosts the CEO of the Ukrainian public broadcaster, UA: PBC, Mr. Zurab Alasania  which stated:

“There are financial problems at UA: PBC, but they will not affect Ukraine’s participation in Eurovision 2018. We conducted a national selection in partnership with a private Ukrainian television channel STB. The Melvine winner will be going to Lisbon. So, all plans are in force».

After that, there is no fear of Melovin’s trip to Lisbon, and Ukraine will normally take part in the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest.

Fotis Kourouvanis

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