Italy and Portugal battle for 1st place in bookies odds!

We are just three days from the Grand Final and one day before the second semi final and the bookies’ offices are on fire!
The results of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest according to the betting odds so far predict a battle between Italy and Portugal. Italy has had from the beginning a big margin leading bookies predictions in front of all countries and only the 2nd place has had different countries flirting with it. After the rehearsals started, Portugal has became the bookies second favorite and even more after its qualification in last night’s semi final, the distance between them has narrowed dangerously for Francesco’s lead.
The betting odds for Italy’s win are at the moment 1,8 – 2,14 followed by Portugal’s bet performance at 2,62- 3,08. In third place we have Bulgaria, the dress rehearsal of which seems to have given Kristian a boost needed to mark a higher bet performance. Since last night’s semi final and it qualification to the Grand Final, Belgium climbed to fourth place while Sweden conclude the top five but having a trend of dropping. Sixth place for the U.K, 7th for Romania, 8th place for Armenia, 9th for The Netherlands while the top 10 ends up with Denmark.
Of course after tomorrow’s second semi final we will see a reshuffle to the betting placings. Until then take a look to the betting odds for all countries so far.